November 1, 2024

Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise Exhibition

Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise Exhibition

Date(s) - Nov 01, 2024 - Nov 21, 2024
All Day

Thanks to the insight of fifteen-year-old Blessed Carlo Acutis and to the generous and accurate research completed by the writer and journalist Nicola Gori, it was made possible to achieve this exhibit which presents 100 testimonies of Saints and Mystics who have had visions of the Inferno (Hell), of Purgatory, and of Paradise. In this month of All Saints and All Souls, this exhibit confirms the reality to which each person is called after death.

Friday, November 1 to Thursday, November 21, 2024
Sundays – 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Monday to Saturday – 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM