Witnessing to Life with Sister Deidre Byrne, P.O.S.C.
Date(s) - Jul 28, 2024
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
The National Centre for Padre Pio joyfully welcomes Sister Deidre who will share her life’s story as a Religious Sister, a soldier, and a surgeon. She will address the topics of Euthanasia and the Eucharist. Please feel free to bring a bag lunch. Complimentary hot beverages will be provided.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Rosary with Veneration of the Relic Glove of Padre Pio – 11:30 AM
Mass – 12:30 PM
Attendees may choose to eat their lunch following Mass and during Sr. Dede’s presentations, or during the refreshment break. The Tabernacle is not located in the Spirituality Centre, which is where Sister will be offering her presentation.
Euthanasia Presentation by Sister Deidre Byrne, P.O.S.C. – 1:30 PM
Refreshment break – 2:15PM
Eucharist Presentation by Sister Deidre Byrne, P.O.S.C. – 2:30 PM
Chaplet of Divine Mercy – 3:15 PM
National Centre closes at 4:00 PM
About our Presenter
Sister Deidre Byrne, P.O.S.C. is a member of the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, a traditional religious order founded in 19th century Italy. She was previously an Army surgeon in Afghanistan. Her order’s charism centers on prayer and Eucharistic Adoration. They serve the poor through an apostolate involving free healthcare for needy people in Washington D.C. Sister Dede (as she is affectionately known) also serves as superior of the Little Workers’ convent. Sister Dede, whose brother is the Bishop of Springfield in Massachusetts, was born into a devout Catholic family of Georgetown-trained doctors. After attending Virginia Tech for undergraduate study, Sister Dede graduated from Georgetown University Medical School where she later became the Chief Surgical Resident. Following an active duty and reserve career as a medical doctor in the U.S. Army, Sister Dede retired as a colonel and professed her final vows as a member of the Little Workers order in 2011.