Our Padre Pio Prayer Group

Join our Padre Pio Prayer Group

“Today’s society does not pray, that is why it is falling apart.” – Padre Pio

During World War II, Pope Pius XII made numerous appeals for prayer.  These appeals took root in the heart and mind of Padre Pio and inspired him to establish prayer groups. He motivated his spiritual children to be the first responders to the Holy Father’s pleas for prayer in troubled times, and he encouraged them to “do something about it.” 

In August of 1950, an official request for the formation of the prayer groups was made: “It is time to unite!  It is time to unite both intentions and actions:  To offer our Lord collective prayers imploring His mercy for a humanity that appears to have forgotten Him; to feel in the collective participation of the Divine Sacrifice of the Mass the wonderful mystery of love that Jesus bestows on humanity for their redemption; to adore God in the most Holy Sacrament – the greatest mystery of our faith, the marvelous gift which God has given humanity for their salvation, for their elevation toward Him who is their father; to live in a state of Grace so as to feel like God’s own children.”

Padre Pio envisioned the Prayer Groups as God’s instruments of relief for a suffering world. He once commented: “Today’s society does not pray, that is why it is falling apart.”  Perhaps we can all agree that this holds true even in our time.  Padre Pio defined the purpose of the Prayer Groups: “The cultivation of the faith; the germination of love, where Christ Himself will be present at every prayer meeting; the fraternal agape under the guidance of a pastor or spiritual director.”

His spiritual children from near and far quickly responded by gathering as faith communities in churches to pray, and the prayer groups were born!  During the lifetime of Padre Pio, the movement quickly grew not only regionally, but nationally and internationally as well.  On September 20, 1968, the International Convention of Prayer Groups was held in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy.  One could only hope and imagine the comfort and consolation that this brought Padre Pio only days before his death.

So, let us accept the invitation of our dear Saint Pio to come together regularly and offer to God prayers for ourselves, others, and especially our Holy Father.  “Let’s roll up our sleeves,” and, with hearts full of gratitude, give God the glory and thanks He rightfully deserves. 

The program established by Padre Pio which is still followed is: Rosary; Holy Mass with Reflection; Catechetical Teaching; Exposition and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; Confessions; and Closing Benediction.

The Prayer Groups were approved again by Pope Saint Paul VI. The group’s prayers have opened many hearts to a true appreciation of the special graces granted Padre Pio and the efficacy of intercession made in his name.

Meetings of the Padre Pio Prayer Group include the same components as when Padre Pio first established them:  Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a spiritual talk, the Rosary, and the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Padre Pio intended the prayer groups as a way to cultivate the faith and to unite both our intentions and actions to Jesus in a community setting.  Prayer Group Members are encouraged to attend their monthly meetings as regularly as possible to promote unity in their physical presence.

Meeting Schedule
Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – 10:30 AM
All pilgrim groups and visitors to the National Centre for Padre Pio are welcomed and invited to attend the 10:30 AM Mass.
Spiritual Talk – Following Mass
Rosary and Sacrament of Reconciliation Following Talk
Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Approximately 12:30 PM

Prayer Group Meetings at the National Centre for Padre Pio in Barto, PA are in-person meetings and are not held virtually.  If you do not reside near Barto, PA, log onto http://www.pppg.org/ and check out the National Directory to locate a Prayer Group near you! 

If you would like to start a Prayer Group in your parish, please contact Father Francis Sariego, the National Director, using the contact form at www.pppg.org.  

To sign up or request more information, please email angela@padrepio.org, or call (610) 845-3000. May Padre Pio continue to intercede for us and for our world in our time of need.

Padre Pio’s Story

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Padre Pio dedicated his life to loving God—on the Altar, in the Confessional, and in the community.

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As we clean up from yesterday’s snowstorm, the Centre will now be CLOSED on Monday, January 20, 2025. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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