Perpetual Remembrance Candle
Padre Pio was once asked why he prayed for the happy death of his great-grandfather, who had passed away many years ago. He answered, “For the Lord, the past doesn’t exist; the future doesn’t exist. Everything is an eternal present. Those prayers had already been taken into account. And so I repeat that even now I can pray for the happy death of my great-grandfather.” –Fr. Alessio Parente, author, “The Holy Souls: Viva Padre Pio.”
How powerful prayer is! Here at the National Centre for Padre Pio, we receive hundreds of calls per week from people requesting prayers for a loved one in need. Without a doubt, the question we are asked the most when people call with their intentions is, “how long is my intention prayed for?”
The answer is simple: here in Barto, your intentions are remembered every single day. Every monthly Mass, daily Rosary, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy are offered for the intentions of all of those who contact the National Centre for prayers.
A Perpetual Remembrance Candle burns near the reproduction of Padre Pio’s tomb in our museum, under which lies a first-class relic of Padre Pio. That candle remains lit as a perpetual reminder of the names that have been sent to us for prayer here at the “Home of Padre Pio in the USA.”
Use the button below to submit the names of any loved ones, living or deceased, that you wish to have enrolled in this new prayer program. We are asking for an offering of $2.00 per name, and you are invited to submit as many names as you’d like.
click here to Enroll names for perpetual remembrance
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Padre Pio’s Story
Padre Pio dedicated his life to loving God—on the Altar, in the Confessional, and in the community.