Hours & Directions
To navigate to the National Centre for Padre Pio, enter National Centre for Padre Pio into your Android or iPhone GPS, or if using an in-dash Navigation system, rather than enter our street address, use the coordinates 40°23’27.9″N, 75°36’21.5″W for the most accurate driving directions.
Monday – Saturday
9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
From Philadelphia
Take the Schuykill Expressway (Rt. 76) west to Rt. 422 west. Follow Rt. 422 west to Rt. 100, exiting north towards Allentown. Proceed north on Rt. 100. At approximately 3 1/2 miles past the Gilbertsville/Boyertown exit make a left on to Barto Road.
Landmarks: Shell gas station will be on the left, Wendy’s Flowers on right where Barto Rd. meets Rt. 100. Entrance to the Chapel and Spirituality Centre is a right turn off Barto Rd., approximately 300 feet from Rt. 100.
From Southern New Jersey
Cross the Ben Franklin or Walt Whitman Bridge to the Schuykill Expressway and proceed as above.
From the Blue Route (476)
Exit Rt. 476 west to 76 West, then Rt. 202 south. Immediately exit Rt. 202 south to Rt. 422 west and proceed as above.
From Baltimore & Washington
Take Rt. 83 north to Rt. 30 east to Rt. 100 north. Or, take I 95 north to Rt. 202 north to Rt. 100 north. Proceed as above.
From New York
Take the NJ Turnpike to the PA turnpike to the Northeast extension Exit 56 Allentown. Go straight through tollgate to Rt. 22 west about 3 to 4 miles to Rt. 100 south. Continue on Rt. 100 south through the small towns of Hereford and Bally. Note Longacres Dairy Bar on right just south of Bally; Barto Road is a right turn approximately 3/4 miles past the Dairy.
Landmarks: Shell gas station will be on right, Wendy’s Flower’s on left where Barto Rd. meets Rt. 100.
From New York & Northern New Jersey
Take Rt. 78 west into Pennsylvania. Exit at Cedar Crest Blvd. to Rt. 29 south to Rt. 100 south (Rts. 29 & 100 run together for approximately 5 miles). Continue on Rt. 100 and proceed as above.
From Long Island
Take Rt. 495 west to New Jersey. Then take Rt. 78 west and proceed as above.
From Quakertown
Take Rt. 663 west to Rt. 29 north to Rt. 100 south. Continue south on Rt. 100 and proceed as above.
Explore the Centre
View our photo gallery to see the Centre’s spiritual sites, shrines, and grounds.
Upcoming Events
Discover the latest seminars, workshops, retreats, pilgrimages at the Centre.
Light A Candle
Brighten the Centre’s votive candle garden with your prayers and intentions.